Place values

key notes :

Place value: in mathematics, describes the value of every digit in a number depending on its position.

  • These positions start from the units place (ones place).
  • The order of the place value of digits in a number from right to left is expressed as ones/units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, and so on.

Convert between place values

To convert between place values, remember the following relations:

1 ten = 10 ones
1 hundred = 10 tens
1 thousand = 10 hundreds
1 ten thousand = 10 thousands
1 hundred thousand = 10 ten thousands

Learn with an example

✈️ You hear the following number:

9 thousand, 7 hundred 97

✈️ How do you write it using digits?

  • Use a place value chart:
  • 9 thousand, 7 hundred 97 is written as 9,797.

✈️ You hear the following number:

2 thousand, 5 hundred 70

✈️ How do you write it using digits?

  • Use a place value chart:
  • 2 thousand, 5 hundred 70 is written as 2,570.

✈️ In 4,863, in which place is the 4?

  • ones
  • tens
  • hundreds
  • thousands
  • Remember the place values:
  • The 4 is in the thousands place.

Let’s practice!