Convert between place values

key notes :

Place Values :

Place value refers to the value of a digit in a number based on its position or place within that number.

Place Values in Decimal System:

  • Units place: The first digit on the right represents ones (e.g., in the number 456, the digit 6 is in the units place).
  • Tens place: The second digit from the right represents tens (e.g., in 456, the digit 5 is in the tens place).
  • Hundreds place: The third digit from the right represents hundreds (e.g., in 456, the digit 4 is in the hundreds place).
  • Thousands place: The fourth digit from the right represents thousands (e.g., in 4567, the digit 4 is in the thousands place)

To convert between place values, remember the following relations:

1 ten = 10 ones
1 hundred = 10 tens
1 thousand = 10 hundreds
1 ten thousand = 10 thousands
1 hundred thousand = 10 ten thousands

1 hundred = 10 tens = 100 ones

1 ten thousand = 10 thousands
= 100 hundreds
= 1,000 tens
= 10,000 ones
1 thousand = 10 hundreds
= 100 tens
= 1,000 ones

Learn with an example

✈️ Solve: 2 thousands =______ones

  • Now work out how many ones you can make from 2 thousands. Count by thousands.
  • 2 thousands = 2,000 ones

✈️ Solve: ________thousands = 80 hundreds

  • Now work out how many thousands you can make from 80 hundreds. Count by tens.
  • 8 thousands = 80 hundreds

✈️ Solve: 6 hundreds =____tens

  • Now work out how many tens you can make from 6 hundreds. Count by tens.
  • 6 hundreds = 60 tens

Let’s practice!