
key notes :

Definition of Rounding :

Rounding is a way of making numbers simpler and easier to work with by adjusting them to the nearest “round number” or “place value.”

Steps to Round a Number:

  1. Identify the place value: Look at the digit in the place you are rounding to (e.g., units, tens, hundreds).
  2. Look at the next digit: Check the digit immediately to the right of the place value you are rounding to.
  3. Decide whether
    • If the digit you are rounding to is 5 or more, round the number up (increase it by 1).
    • If the digit you are rounding to is less than 5, round the number down (keep it the same).

Example 1: Rounding to the Nearest Ten

Number: 47

  • Place Value: Tens place (4)
  • Next Digit: Units place (7)

Since 7 (the units digit) is 5 or more, we round up.

  • Rounded Number: 50

Example 2: Rounding to the Nearest Hundred

Number: 362

  • Place Value: Hundreds place (3)
  • Next Digit: Tens place (6)

Since 6 (the tens digit) is 5 or more, we round up.

  • Rounded Number: 400

Example 3: Rounding to the Nearest Ten

Number: 85

  • Place Value: Tens place (8)
  • Next Digit: Units place (5)

Since 5 (the units digit) is exactly 5, we round up.

  • Rounded Number: 90

Learn with an example

What is 28,085 rounded to the nearest ten?

First, find the digit in the tens place. This is the place you want to round:


Now look one place to the right:


This number is 5, so you will round up. First, replace all the digits to the right of the tens place by zeroes:

28,085 → 28,080

Now add 1 to the other part of the number:

28,080 → 28,090

What is 10,134 rounded to the nearest hundred?

First, find the digit in the hundreds place. This is the place you want to round:


Now look one place to the right:


3 is less than 5, so you will round down. Replace all the digits to the right of the hundreds place by zeroes:

10,134 → 10,100

What is 60,839 rounded to the nearest thousand?

First, find the digit in the thousands place. This is the place you want to round:


Now look one place to the right:


8 is greater than 5, so you will round up. First, replace all the digits to the right of the thousands place by zeroes:

60,839 → 60,000

Now add 1 to the other part of the number:

60,000 → 61,000

What is 30,701 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

First, find the digit in the ten-thousands place. This is the place you want to round:


Now look one place to the right:


0 is less than 5, so you will round down. Replace all the digits to the right of the ten-thousands place by zeroes:

30,701 → 30,000

What is ₹1.87 rounded to the nearest rupee?

First, find the digit in the ones place. This is the place you want to round:


Now look one place to the right:


8 is greater than 5, so you will round up. First, replace all the digits to the right of the ones place by zeroes:

₹1.87 → ₹1.00

Now add 1 to the other part of the number:

1.00 → ₹2.00

What is ₹93.65 rounded to the nearest 10 rupees?

First, find the digit in the tens place. This is the place you want to round:


Now look one place to the right:


3 is less than 5, so you will round down. Replace all the digits to the right of the tens place by zeroes:

₹93.65 → ₹90.00

Let’s practice!