Multiply by one-digit numbers: word problems

Learn with an example

🗼 A factory makes ice cream. For the past 9 days, the factory has made 564 cartons of chocolate ice cream each day. How many cartons of chocolate ice cream did the factory make in all?

________  cartons

The factory made chocolate ice cream for 9 days, and it made 564 cartons each day.


The factory made 5,076 cartons of chocolate ice cream.

🗼 A city wants to plant 4 trees on each block. How many trees will the city need for 691 blocks?

​ ________ trees

There are 4 trees each for 691 blocks.


The city will need 2,764 trees for 691 blocks.

🗼 A soccer stadium has 6 sections. There are 832 seats in each section. How many seats are there in all?

​ ________ seats

There are 6 sections with 832 seats each.


There are 4,992 seats in all.

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