Multiplication patterns over increasing place values

Learn with an example

Complete the pattern:

Find the first missing number:

4 × 5 ones = 20 ones
4 × 5 = 20

Now complete the pattern:

4 × 5 tens = 20 tens
4 × 50 = 200

4 × 5 hundreds = 20 hundreds
4 × 500 = 2,000

4 × 5 thousands = 20 thousands
4 × 5,000 = 20,000

4 × 5 ten thousands = 20 ten thousands
4 × 50,000 = 200,000

4 × 5 hundred thousands = 20 hundred thousands
4 × 500,000 = 2,000,000

4 × 5 millions = 20 millions
4 × 5,000,000 = 20,000,000

Complete the pattern:

Find the first missing number:

ones × 9 = 54 ones
6 × 9 = 54

Now complete the pattern:

tens × 9 = 54 tens
60 × 9 = 540

hundreds × 9 = 54 hundreds
600 × 9 = 5,400

thousands × 9 = 54 thousands
6,000 × 9 = 54,000

ten thousands × 9 = 54 ten thousands
60,000 × 9 = 540,000

hundred thousands × 9 = 54 hundred thousands
600,000 × 9 = 5,400,000

millions × 9 = 54 millions
6,000,000 × 9 = 54,000,000

Complete the pattern:

Find the first missing number:

one × 5 = 5 ones
1 × 5 = 5

Now complete the pattern:

ten × 5 = 5 tens
10 × 5 = 50

hundred × 5 = 5 hundreds
100 × 5 = 500

thousand × 5 = 5 thousands
1,000 × 5 = 5,000

ten thousand × 5 = 5 ten thousands
10,000 × 5 = 50,000

hundred thousand × 5 = 5 hundred thousands
100,000 × 5 = 500,000

million × 5 = 5 millions
1,000,000 × 5 = 5,000,000

Let’s practice!