Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems

Learn with an example

🎇 Tristan filled 50 plates with biscuits. He put 30 biscuits on each plate. How many biscuits did Tristan use?

______ biscuits

There were 50 plates, each of which had 30 biscuits. Multiply 50 by 30.

First, multiply 5 and 3.

5 × 3 = 15

Now count the zeros in both numbers.

50 × 30 = ?

There are 2 zeros in all. Write 2 zeros after 15.

50 × 30 = 1,500

Tristan used 1,500 biscuits.

A school ordered 10 boxes of paper. There were 60 sheets of paper in each box. How many sheets of paper did the school order in all?

_______ sheets of paper

The school ordered 10 boxes, each of which had 60 sheets of paper. Multiply 10 by 60.

First, multiply 1 and 6.

1 × 6 = 6

Now count the zeros in both numbers.

10 × 60 = ?

There are 2 zeros in all. Write 2 zeros after 6.

10 × 60 = 600

The school ordered 600 sheets of paper in all.

🎁 A seed company filled 80 bags with seed. They put 80 grams of seed in each bag. How many grams of seed are there in all the bags combined?

 ________ grams of seed

There are 80 bags with 80 grams of seed in each. Multiply 80 by 80.

First, multiply 8 and 8.

8 × 8 = 64

Now count the zeros in both numbers.

80 × 80 = ?

There are 2 zeros in all. Write 2 zeros after 64.

80 × 80 = 6,400

There are 6,400 grams of seed in all.

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