Estimate products: word problems

Learn with an example

😃 A print shop ordered 29 shipments of newsprint. There were 5,796 sheets of newsprint in each shipment. About how many sheets of newsprint did the print shop order in all? Choose the better estimate.


29 × 5,796 = ?

Round the first factor to the nearest ten and the second factor to the nearest thousand.

180,000 sheets of newsprint is the better estimate.

😃 A school owns 82 buses. There are 91 seats on each bus. About how many seats in total are there on the buses? Choose the better estimate.


82 × 91 = ?

Round each factor to the nearest ten.

7,200 seats is the better estimate.

😃 A sporting goods company puts 683 jump ropes in each shipment. They ship 93 shipments per year. About how many skipping ropes does the company ship each year? Choose the better estimate.


683 × 93 = ?

Round the first factor to the nearest hundred and the second factor to the nearest ten.

63,000 skipping ropes is the better estimate.

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