Divide by two-digit numbers

Learn with an example

Divide :

Look at the first two digits. The first two digits are greater than 16. Start with the first 2 digits. Divide the ones.

The remainder is 13. Write the answer:


50 ÷ 17 = ____ R__

Rewrite the problem:

17 ) 50 (

Look at the first two digits. The first two digits are greater than 17. Start with the first 2 digits. Divide the ones.

The remainder is 16. Write the answer:The remainder is 16. Write the answer:

50 ÷ 17 = 2 R 16


78 ÷ 10 = ______  R _____

Rewrite the problem:

Look at the first two digits. The first two digits are greater than 10. Start with the first 2 digits. Divide the ones.

The remainder is 8. Write the answer:

78 ÷ 10 = 7 R8

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