Divide by two-digit numbers: word problems

Learn with an example

The canteen wants to buy 78 new forks. If each package contains 13 forks, how many packages should the canteen buy?

Divide the number of forks by the number of forks in each package.

The canteen should buy 6 packages.

A city has ₹12 to buy new light bulbs for the street lamps. If each light bulb costs ₹12, how many new light bulbs will the city be able to buy?

Divide the total amount of money by the cost of each light bulb.

The city will be able to buy 1 light bulb.

The airport shuttle bus needs to take 57 people from the terminal to the parking garage. The shuttle bus can take 19 passengers on each trip. How many trips will the shuttle bus need to make?

Divide the total number of people by the number of people that can fit on the shuttle bus each trip.

The shuttle bus will need to make 3 trips.

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