Divide by one-digit numbers: word problems

Learn with an example

A bakery needs to arrange 52 cupcakes on trays for a party. If each tray can hold 4 cupcakes, how many trays will the bakery need?

Divide the number of cupcakes by the number of cupcakes each tray holds.

The bakery will need 13 trays.

The canteen wants to buy 69 new forks. If each package contains 3 forks, how many packages should the canteen buy?

Divide the number of forks by the number of forks in each package.

The canteen should buy 23 packages.

A maths teacher has ₹88 to buy new calculators. If each calculator costs ₹8, how many calculators can the teacher buy?

Divide the amount of money by the cost of each calculator.

The teacher can buy 11 calculators.

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