Describe the difference between related words

key notes :

Many words are similar but have subtle differences in meaning. You can think of these differences as shades of meaning.

For example, think about the words acquaintancefriend, and confidant.

acquaintancea person you know only casually
frienda person you have a close, positive relationship with
confidantan especially close friend you share secrets with

Acquaintancefriend, and confidant all name relationships between people, but they each suggest a different type of relationship.

When you write, consider the different shades of meaning between words. Choosing a word that is more precise or descriptive, like confidant instead of friend, can help you express your ideas more clearly and accurately.

Learn with an example

🔥Which word is more general?

A) communication

B) conversation

Communication is any method of sharing information. A road sign is a
form of communication, as is talking or gesturing.

A conversation is a
specific type of communication in which people discuss something, usually in an informal way. So, communication is more general.

🔥Which word means something will always be living?

A) immortal

B) alive

The word immortal means that something will live or last forever. The word alive means that something is living right now. So, immortality means something will always be living.

🔥Which shows certainty?

  • suspecting something
  • knowing something

Knowing means being sure. Suspecting means thinking, but not being sure. So, knowing something shows certainty.

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