Positive and negative connotations

Key Notes :

Connotation is the feeling or idea that goes along with a word or phrase. Some words are close in meaning but have different connotations.

For example, think about the words eager and impatient. They both mean wanting something to happen, but they have different connotations.

Eager has a positive connotation. It is a nice word. An eager person is happy and excited.

Impatient has a negative connotation. It is not a nice word. An impatient person is often pushy and demanding.

Learn with an example

Which phrase has a more negative connotation?

  1. talk about something
  2. boast about something

Boast about something has a more negative connotation. If you boast about something, you talk about it with too much pride.

Which phrase has a more negative connotation?

  1. a scrawny animal
  2. a slender animal

A scrawny animal has a more negative connotation. A scrawny animal is too thin. A slender animal is thin in a graceful way.

Which phrase has a more negative connotation?

  1. take something
  2. steal something

Stealing something has a more negative connotation. If you steal something, you take it without asking.

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