Use dictionary entries

A dictionary entry tells you more about a word.

  1. The entry word is the word you look up. Entry words are listed in alphabetical order.
  2. The part of speech tells you whether the entry word is a verb, an adjective, or some other part of speech.
  3. The definition tells you what the entry word means.
  4. sample sentence shows you how the word can be used in context.

Learn with an example

Select the sample sentence.

lively adjective Having lots of energy: The lively dog barked and wagged her tail.

The sample sentence is The lively dog barked and wagged her tail.

Select the definition.

arch noun A curved shape, often part of a building or bridge: The old bridge was in the shape of an arch.Submit

The definition is A curved shape, often part of a building or bridge.

Select the sample sentence.

oar noun A paddle that is used to row a boat: The oar was heavy, so my arms hurt from rowing.

The sample sentence is The oar was heavy, so my arms hurt from rowing.

Select the entry word.

dig verb To make a hole in the ground: We will dig a small hole and plant the seed.

The entry word is dig.

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