Use dictionary definitions

key notes :

A dictionary entry can give you many kinds of information about a word. It usually includes a definition for each of a word’s meanings, or senses.

safe \seyf\ adjectives after, safest1. not in danger: We’re safe as long as the lion stays in its cage.2. harmless: It’s safe to cross the street now.3. providing protection or shelter: Let’s find a safe spot to hide.

Learn with an example

Look at this sentence:

Lexie brushed the horse’s mane, tail, and coat until they were smooth and shiny.

Select the definition of coat that the sentence uses.

coat \kohtnoun pl coats 1. a thick piece of clothing you wear over your other clothes to keep warm: When it is cold, I wear my long woollen coat. 2. the hair or fur that covers an animal’s body: The dog’s coat was tangled and matted. 3. a layer of something like paint: This desk needs a fresh coat of paint.

The sentence uses the word coat in the sense of 2. the hair or fur that covers an animal’s body.

Look at this sentence:

At birth, Bella’s weight was just six pounds!

Select the definition of weight that the sentence uses.

weight \weytnoun pl weights 1. how heavy something is: The nurse measured my weight and height. 2. a piece of metal used to find out how heavy something else is: Balance the weights on the scale. 3. a piece of heavy metal that some people lift to make their bodies strong: Ms Anderson is fit because she lifts weights.

The sentence uses the word weight in the sense of 1. how heavy something is.

🔥Look at this sentence:

After finishing his meal, Mr Johnson left a tip at the bar.

Select the definition of bar that the sentence uses.

bar \bahrnoun pl bars 1. a long piece of metal or wood: Nina climbed on the monkey bars. 2. a chunk of something, like soap: Wash your hands with this bar of soap. 3. a counter where food and drinks are served: Oliver ordered a drink at the bar.

The sentence uses the word bar in the sense of 3. a counter where food and drinks are served.

Let’s practice!

Look at this sentence:

It’s easier to tell the exact time with a digital watch than with an analogue one.

Select the definition of tell that the sentence uses.

tell \tel\ verb telling, told 1. to speak to someone else about something: I promise not to tell anyone your secret. 2. to work out the time using a clock or watch: My younger sister knows how to tell the time. 3. to give information: Mr Green will be telling us about fossil fuels today.


#1. Select the definition of tell that the sentence uses.
