Is the sentence declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory?

Key Notes:

1. Declarative Sentences

  • Purpose: A declarative sentence makes a statement or expresses an opinion.
  • Punctuation: It ends with a period (.)
  • Example: “The sky is blue.”
  • Key Point: Declarative sentences are used to convey information or share thoughts.

2. Interrogative Sentences

  • Purpose: An interrogative sentence asks a question.
  • Punctuation: It ends with a question mark (?)
  • Example: “What time is it?”
  • Key Point: Interrogative sentences seek information or clarification and often start with question words like “what,” “where,” “when,” “why,” “who,” or “how.”

3. Imperative Sentences

  • Purpose: An imperative sentence gives a command, makes a request, or offers an invitation.
  • Punctuation: It typically ends with a period (.) but can also end with an exclamation mark (!) if the command is forceful.
  • Example: “Please close the door.” or “Stop talking!”
  • Key Point: Imperative sentences often imply “you” as the subject, even though it is not stated.

4. Exclamatory Sentences

  • Purpose: An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion or excitement.
  • Punctuation: It ends with an exclamation mark (!)
  • Example: “What a beautiful day!”
  • Key Point: Exclamatory sentences convey heightened emotion and are often used to express surprise, joy, anger, or amazement.