Examples for Is the sentence simple, compound or complex:

Simple Sentences:

  1. The dog barks.
  2. She sings beautifully.
  3. I read books.
  4. The sun sets.
  5. Birds fly.
  6. The car stopped.
  7. He runs every day.
  8. They play soccer.
  9. The cake is delicious.
  10. The child laughed.

Compound Sentences:

  1. The dog barks, and the cat meows.
  2. She sings beautifully, but she is nervous about performing.
  3. I read books, and my sister watches movies.
  4. The sun sets, so we went inside.
  5. Birds fly south for the winter, and they return in the spring.
  6. The car stopped, but the driver was not hurt.
  7. He runs every day, yet he does not compete in races.
  8. They play soccer, or they go swimming.
  9. The cake is delicious, but it’s too sweet for me.
  10. The child laughed, and the parents smiled.

Complex Sentences:

  1. The dog barks when it hears a noise.
  2. She sings beautifully because she practices every day.
  3. I read books while I wait for the bus.
  4. The sun sets after the sky turns pink.
  5. Birds fly south for the winter because they need to find warmer weather.
  6. The car stopped because it ran out of gas.
  7. He runs every day, although he does not compete in races.
  8. They play soccer if the weather is nice.
  9. The cake is delicious even though it is too sweet for me.
  10. The child laughed when he saw the clown.

Mixed Examples:

  1. The dog barks when it hears a noise, and the cat hides under the bed.
  2. She sings beautifully because she practices every day, but she still gets nervous.
  3. I read books while I wait for the bus, and I also enjoy listening to music.
  4. The sun sets after the sky turns pink, so we decided to take a walk.
  5. Birds fly south for the winter because they need to find warmer weather, yet they return in the spring.
  6. The car stopped because it ran out of gas, but it was an easy fix.
  7. He runs every day, although he does not compete in races, and he enjoys it a lot.
  8. They play soccer if the weather is nice, and they also go hiking on weekends.
  9. The cake is delicious even though it is too sweet for me, so I gave a piece to my friend.
  10. The child laughed when he saw the clown, and his parents joined in the fun.

Additional Examples:

  1. The rain stopped. (Simple)
  2. I wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining. (Compound)
  3. I wanted to go for a walk because the weather was nice. (Complex)
  4. She enjoys reading. (Simple)
  5. She enjoys reading, and she also likes to write. (Compound)
  6. She enjoys reading books that are mystery novels. (Complex)
  7. The house is large. (Simple)
  8. The house is large, so we have a lot of space for parties. (Compound)
  9. The house is large because it was built in the 1920s. (Complex)
  10. The kids play outside. (Simple)