Use possessive pronouns

Key Notes:

📖 Some possessive pronouns come before a noun. They are my, your, his, her, its, our, their. These words can also be called possessive adjectives.

  • That is Tasha’s car.
  • That is her car.

📖 Some possessive pronouns appear without a noun. They are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs.

  • That is Tasha’s car.
  • That is hers.

Learn with an example

1)Complete the sentence with the correct possessive pronoun.

Those shoes belong to Mr and Mrs Baker. They are ________shoes.

  • The correct possessive pronoun is theirs. It shows that the shoes belong to Mr and Mrs Baker.

2)Complete the sentence with the correct possessive pronoun.

That lunch belongs to me. It is ___________lunch.

  • The correct possessive pronoun is my. It shows that the lunch belongs to me.

3)Complete the sentence with the correct possessive pronoun.

That basket belongs to him. It is ________basket.

  • The correct possessive pronoun is his. It shows that the basket belongs to him.

Let’s practice!🖊️