Words with -less

Key Notes:-


Explain that “-less” is a suffix added to the end of a word to form an adjective meaning “without” or “lacking.”


Provide examples such as:

  • Fearless (without fear)
  • Endless (without end)
  • Careless (without care)
  • Harmless (without harm)
  • Sleepless (without sleep)

Word Formation:

Discuss how adding “-less” changes the meaning of the base word to describe something that lacks the quality expressed by the base word.

Use in Sentences:

Encourage students to create sentences using “-less” words to reinforce understanding and context.

Prefixes and Suffixes:

Connect “-less” with other prefixes and suffixes they may have learned, such as “un-” (e.g., “unhappy”) or “-ful” (e.g., “beautiful”), to illustrate how these word parts modify meaning.

Reading and Vocabulary Expansion:

Encourage students to identify “-less” words in their reading materials and expand their vocabulary by recognizing and understanding these words.

Let’s practice!