Words with -able and -ible

Key Notes:-

Suffix Meaning:

  • “-able” and “-ible” are suffixes added to base words to form adjectives.
  • They often mean “capable of” or “worthy of.”

Usage Differences:

  • Words ending in “-able” are more common than those ending in “-ible.”
  • “-able” is used when the root word is easily recognizable, while “-ible” is used when the root word is less obvious.


  • -able: manageable, comfortable, lovable, teachable
  • -ible: incredible, visible, flexible, sensible


  • The “-able” ending is usually pronounced as /əbəl/ (e.g., manageable).
  • The “-ible” ending is usually pronounced as /ɪbəl/ (e.g., sensible).

Root Words:

  • Understanding the root word helps determine whether to use “-able” or “-ible.”
  • Example: visible (root: vision), teachable (root: teach).

Meaning in Context:

  • Discuss how adding “-able” or “-ible” changes the meaning of the base word.
  • Example: visible (able to be seen), sensible (capable of making sense).

Word Formation:

  • Discuss how “-able” and “-ible” can change nouns and verbs into adjectives.
  • Example: adapt (verb) → adaptable (adjective).

Let’s practice!