Select the members of a group

Understanding Groups

  • Definition of a Group: A group is a collection of items or people that share common characteristics.
  • Types of Groups: Groups can be categorized into different types, such as animals, fruits, or even things that belong together.

Identifying Common Characteristics

  • Common Traits: To select members of a group, identify the common traits or characteristics that all members share. For example, a group of fruits might include apples, oranges, and bananas because they are all fruits.
  • Attributes: Look for attributes such as color, shape, function, or category.

Grouping by Categories

Similar Categories: Group items or people based on their similarities. For instance, grouping animals into mammals, birds, or reptiles.


  • Animals: Cats, dogs, and horses can be grouped as mammals.
  • Fruits: Apples, oranges, and bananas can be grouped as fruits.

Practice with Examples

Hands-On Activities: Provide students with a set of items and ask them to group them based on common characteristics.


  • Colors: Group items based on color (e.g., red items, blue items).
  • Shapes: Group items based on shape (e.g., circles, squares).

Classifying Objects

  • Classify Objects: Teach students how to classify objects into different groups based on their features.
  • Comparison: Compare and contrast different items to determine which group they belong to.

Let’s practice!