List of ” Choose the synonym “

  1. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  2. Sad – Feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
  3. Big – Large in size or amount.
  4. Small – Little in size or amount.
  5. Fast – Moving or capable of moving at high speed.
  6. Slow – Moving or operating at a low speed.
  7. Bright – Giving off a lot of light; shining.
  8. Dark – With little or no light.
  9. Easy – Achieved without great effort; simple.
  10. Hard – Requiring a lot of effort or work.
  11. Hot – Having a high temperature.
  12. Cold – Having a low temperature.
  13. Clean – Free from dirt or impurities.
  14. Dirty – Covered or marked with an unclean substance.
  15. Loud – Producing a lot of noise.
  16. Quiet – Making very little noise.
  17. Tall – Of greater height than average.
  18. Short – Of less height than average.
  19. Strong – Having great physical power or strength.
  20. Weak – Lacking strength or power.
  21. New – Recently made or obtained; not old.
  22. Old – Having lived for a long time; not new.
  23. Near – Close in space or time.
  24. Far – At a great distance.
  25. Rich – Having a lot of money or valuable possessions.
  26. Poor – Lacking sufficient money or possessions.
  27. Young – Having lived or existed for only a short time.
  28. Old – Having lived or existed for a long time.
  29. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  30. Joyful – Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure.
  31. Angry – Feeling or showing strong annoyance or displeasure.
  32. Mad – Very angry or annoyed.
  33. Brave – Ready to face and endure danger or pain.
  34. Cowardly – Lacking courage.
  35. Friendly – Kind and pleasant.
  36. Kind – Showing a considerate and generous nature.
  37. Smart – Intelligent or clever.
  38. Clever – Quick to understand or learn; intelligent.
  39. Funny – Causing laughter or amusement.
  40. Amusing – Entertaining or enjoyable.
  41. Strong – Having physical power.
  42. Powerful – Having great power or strength.
  43. Big – Large in size or amount.
  44. Huge – Extremely large.
  45. Small – Little in size or amount.
  46. Tiny – Extremely small.
  47. Early – Happening or done before the usual time.
  48. Late – Happening or done after the usual time.
  49. Sweet – Having a pleasant taste; sugary.
  50. Sour – Having an acidic taste; not sweet.
  51. Beautiful – Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
  52. Lovely – Delightful or pleasing.
  53. Noisy – Making a lot of noise.
  54. Loud – Producing a lot of noise.
  55. Bright – Giving off a lot of light.
  56. Shiny – Reflecting light; bright.
  57. Soft – Easy to mold or shape; gentle to the touch.
  58. Gentle – Mild in temperament or behavior.
  59. Hard – Firm or solid; difficult.
  60. Tough – Strong and durable; able to withstand difficult conditions.
  61. Happy – Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  62. Glad – Feeling pleased or happy.
  63. Sad – Feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
  64. Unhappy – Feeling sad or not happy.
  65. Tall – Of great height.
  66. Lofty – Of imposing height.
  67. Short – Not tall; having little height.
  68. Petite – Small and slender.
  69. Easy – Achieved with little effort.
  70. Simple – Easily understood or done; not complicated.
  71. Hard – Requiring a lot of effort or work.
  72. Challenging – Difficult but stimulating to one’s abilities.
  73. Fast – Moving quickly.
  74. Swift – Happening quickly.
  75. Slow – Moving or operating at a low speed.
  76. Sluggish – Slow-moving or inactive.
  77. Warm – Having a moderate degree of heat.
  78. Cool – Moderately cold.
  79. Young – Having lived for only a short time.
  80. Adolescent – In the period of development from childhood to adulthood.
  81. Old – Having lived for a long time.
  82. Elderly – Advanced in age.
  83. Safe – Protected from or not exposed to danger.
  84. Secure – Free from risk or danger.
  85. Dangerous – Able or likely to cause harm or injury.
  86. Risky – Full of the possibility of danger or harm.
  87. Strong – Having great physical power.
  88. Sturdy – Strong and firm.
  89. Weak – Lacking strength.
  90. Feeble – Lacking physical strength.
  91. Funny – Causing laughter.
  92. Hilarious – Extremely funny.
  93. Tired – In need of rest or sleep.
  94. Exhausted – Extremely tired.
  95. Sleepy – Ready to sleep or needing sleep.
  96. Drowsy – Feeling sleepy and lethargic.
  97. Rich – Having a lot of money.
  98. Affluent – Having a lot of wealth.
  99. Poor – Lacking sufficient money.
  100. Impoverished – Made poor or needy.

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