
Key Notes :

Understanding Analogies:

  • Analogies are comparisons between two pairs of words that highlight relationships based on similarity or function.
  • Example: Hand is to glove as foot is to shoe. Here, hand and glove have a similar relationship as foot and shoe.

Types of Analogies

  1. Synonym Analogies
    • Example: Happy is to Joyful as Sad is to Unhappy.
    • Relationship: Synonyms (words with similar meanings).
  2. Antonym Analogies
    • Example: Hot is to Cold as Up is to Down.
    • Relationship: Antonyms (words with opposite meanings).
  3. Part to Whole Analogies
    • Example: Leaf is to Tree as Page is to Book.
    • Relationship: A part of something to the whole thing.
  4. Function Analogies
    • Example: Pencil is to Write as Eraser is to Erase.
    • Relationship: The function or use of an object.
  5. Cause and Effect Analogies
    • Example: Rain is to Flood as Sun is to Drought.
    • Relationship: One thing causes another.

How to Solve Analogies:

  • Identify the Relationship: Determine the relationship between the first pair of words.
  • Apply the Relationship: Use the identified relationship to find a word that relates to the second pair in the same way.
  • Check the Answer: Ensure that the analogy makes sense and maintains the same relationship throughout.

Structure of Word Analogies

  • Format: A : B :: C : D
  • A is to B as C is to D.
  • Example: Hot is to Cold as Up is to Down.
  • Explanation: Hot and Cold are opposites, and Up and Down are opposites.


  • Analogies help in critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • They enhance vocabulary by exploring relationships between words.
  • They improve logical reasoning and comprehension abilities.

Types of Relationships in Analogies

Synonyms: Words with similar meanings.

  • Example: Happy is to Joyful as Sad is to Unhappy.

Antonyms: Words with opposite meanings.

  • Example: Hot is to Cold as Fast is to Slow.

Part to Whole: One word is a part of the other.

  • Example: Leaf is to Tree as Petal is to Flower.

Function: How something is used or what it does.

  • Example: Pen is to Write as Brush is to Paint.

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