list of ” Analogies “

  1. Sun : Day :: Moon : Night
    • The sun is associated with daytime as the moon is with nighttime.
  2. Cat : Kitten :: Dog : Puppy
    • A kitten is a young cat as a puppy is a young dog.
  3. Tree : Leaf :: Book : Page
    • A leaf is part of a tree as a page is part of a book.
  4. Bird : Nest :: Fish : Aquarium
    • A nest is where a bird lives as an aquarium is where a fish lives.
  5. Teacher : Classroom :: Chef : Kitchen
    • A teacher works in a classroom as a chef works in a kitchen.
  6. Glove : Hand :: Shoe : Foot
    • A glove is worn on the hand as a shoe is worn on the foot.
  7. Book : Read :: Movie : Watch
    • You read a book as you watch a movie.
  8. Doctor : Hospital :: Firefighter : Fire Station
    • A doctor works in a hospital as a firefighter works in a fire station.
  9. Cup : Drink :: Plate : Eat
    • A cup is used to drink as a plate is used to eat.
  10. Pen : Write :: Brush : Paint
    • A pen is used to write as a brush is used to paint.
  11. Bird : Fly :: Fish : Swim
    • A bird can fly as a fish can swim.
  12. Winter : Snow :: Summer : Sun
    • Snow is common in winter as the sun is common in summer.
  13. Library : Books :: Store : Goods
    • A library contains books as a store contains goods.
  14. Sun : Warm :: Ice : Cold
    • The sun makes things warm as ice makes things cold.
  15. Day : Light :: Night : Dark
    • The day is associated with light as the night is associated with dark.
  16. Clock : Time :: Thermometer : Temperature
    • A clock measures time as a thermometer measures temperature.
  17. Basketball : Court :: Soccer : Field
    • Basketball is played on a court as soccer is played on a field.
  18. Horizon : Sunset :: Sky : Stars
    • The horizon is where the sunset occurs as the sky is where the stars are.
  19. Lion : Roar :: Dog : Bark
    • A lion makes a roar as a dog makes a bark.
  20. Chef : Cook :: Author : Write
    • A chef cooks as an author writes.
  21. Spring : Flowers :: Autumn : Leaves
    • Flowers bloom in spring as leaves fall in autumn.
  22. Pencil : Eraser :: Knife : Sharpener
    • An eraser removes pencil marks as a sharpener sharpens a knife.
  23. Radio : Music :: Television : Shows
    • A radio plays music as a television shows shows.
  24. Rain : Umbrella :: Sun : Sunglasses
    • An umbrella protects from rain as sunglasses protect from the sun.
  25. Mountains : High :: Valley : Low
    • Mountains are high as valleys are low.
  26. Nurse : Care :: Teacher : Educate
    • A nurse cares for patients as a teacher educates students.
  27. River : Flow :: Wind : Breeze
    • A river flows as the wind creates a breeze.
  28. Fruit : Apple :: Vegetable : Carrot
    • An apple is a type of fruit as a carrot is a type of vegetable.
  29. Computer : Keyboard :: Telephone : Dial
    • A keyboard is used with a computer as a dial is used with a telephone.
  30. Music : Song :: Art : Painting
    • A song is a form of music as a painting is a form of art.
  31. Egg : Chicken :: Seed : Plant
    • A chicken comes from an egg as a plant comes from a seed.
  32. Horse : Gallop :: Elephant : Trample
    • A horse gallops as an elephant tramples.
  33. Castle : King :: House : Family
    • A king lives in a castle as a family lives in a house.
  34. Park : Playground :: School : Classroom
    • A playground is found in a park as a classroom is found in a school.
  35. Oven : Bake :: Refrigerator : Chill
    • An oven is used to bake as a refrigerator is used to chill.
  36. Boat : Sail :: Car : Drive
    • A boat is operated with a sail as a car is operated with driving.
  37. Snow : Cold :: Sweat : Hot
    • Snow is associated with cold as sweat is associated with hot.
  38. Sunflower : Yellow :: Rose : Red
    • A sunflower is typically yellow as a rose is typically red.
  39. Star : Night :: Sun : Day
    • Stars are visible at night as the sun is visible during the day.
  40. Frog : Amphibian :: Dolphin : Mammal
    • A frog is an amphibian as a dolphin is a mammal.
  41. Hammer : Nail :: Screwdriver : Screw
    • A hammer is used to drive a nail as a screwdriver is used to drive a screw.
  42. Piano : Keys :: Telephone : Buttons
    • A piano has keys as a telephone has buttons.
  43. Jungle : Monkey :: Ocean : Fish
    • Monkeys live in the jungle as fish live in the ocean.
  44. Artist : Paint :: Author : Write
    • An artist uses paint as an author uses words to write.
  45. Plane : Fly :: Train : Travel
    • A plane flies as a train travels.
  46. Puppy : Dog :: Kitten : Cat
    • A puppy grows into a dog as a kitten grows into a cat.
  47. Fire : Hot :: Ice : Cold
    • Fire is associated with hot as ice is associated with cold.
  48. Boat : Water :: Car : Road
    • A boat travels on water as a car travels on a road.
  49. Lunch : Noon :: Dinner : Evening
    • Lunch is typically eaten at noon as dinner is typically eaten in the evening.
  50. Fireplace : Heat :: Air Conditioner : Cool
    • A fireplace provides heat as an air conditioner provides cool air.
  51. Bees : Honey :: Cows : Milk
    • Bees produce honey as cows produce milk.
  52. School : Learn :: Gym : Exercise
    • School is a place to learn as a gym is a place to exercise.
  53. Sock : Foot :: Glove : Hand
    • A sock is worn on a foot as a glove is worn on a hand.
  54. Clock : Time :: Calendar : Dates
    • A clock shows time as a calendar shows dates.
  55. Butterfly : Caterpillar :: Frog : Tadpole
    • A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly as a tadpole transforms into a frog.
  56. Garden : Plants :: Zoo : Animals
    • A garden contains plants as a zoo contains animals.
  57. Dentist : Teeth :: Tailor : Clothes
    • A dentist works with teeth as a tailor works with clothes.
  58. Book : Read :: Puzzle : Solve
    • You read a book as you solve a puzzle.
  59. Whale : Ocean :: Eagle : Sky
    • A whale lives in the ocean as an eagle soars in the sky.
  60. Brush : Hair :: Toothbrush : Teeth
    • A brush is used for hair as a toothbrush is used for teeth.
  61. Gold : Valuable :: Paper : Ordinary
    • Gold is valuable as paper is ordinary.
  62. Hospital : Doctor :: School : Teacher
    • A doctor works in a hospital as a teacher works in a school.
  63. Cat : Meow :: Dog : Woof
    • A cat makes a meow sound as a dog makes a woof sound.
  64. Chocolate : Sweet :: Lemon : Sour
    • Chocolate is sweet as lemon is sour.
  65. Doll : Toy :: Book : Reading
    • A doll is a toy as a book is for reading.
  66. Sun : Shine :: Moon : Glow
    • The sun shines as the moon glows.
  67. Map : Location :: Calendar : Dates
    • A map shows location as a calendar shows dates.
  68. Spider : Web :: Bird : Nest
    • A spider creates a web as a bird creates a nest.
  69. Scissors : Cut :: Pencil : Write
    • Scissors are used to cut as a pencil is used to write.
  70. Ice Cream : Dessert :: Soup : Appetizer
    • Ice cream is a type of dessert as soup is a type of appetizer.
  71. Pen : Ink :: Pencil : Lead
    • A pen uses ink as a pencil uses lead.
  72. Hockey : Ice :: Basketball : Court
    • Hockey is played on ice as basketball is played on a court.
  73. Singer : Music :: Actor : Film
    • A singer performs music as an actor performs in a film.
  74. Ferry : Boat :: Train : Engine
    • A ferry is a type of boat as a train is a type of engine.
  75. Train : Track :: Car : Road
    • A train travels on tracks as a car travels on roads.

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