Use the correct homophone

key notes :

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

  • My friends and I buy lunch at school.
    • Buy means to pay for something.
  • Then we all eat together by the big tree.
    • By means near.
  • We say bye to each other when the bell rings.
    • Bye is short for goodbye.


The words break and brake are homophones. Think about what each word means.

  • Break means to split or separate something into pieces.
  • A brake is a device for slowing or stopping a vehicle.

The words aisle, I’ll and isle are homophones. Think about what each word means.

  • An aisle is a walkway between two sections of seats.
  • I’ll is the contraction of “I will.”
  • An island is an island, especially a small one.

The words ring and wring are homophones. Think about what each word means.

  • A ring is a round band worn on a finger.
  • Wring means to twist something to get the liquid out.

Learn with an example

🎻 Complete the sentence with the correct homophone.

🎻 ________over this fence and you will be surprised by how well-tended the garden on the other side is.

  • Peek
  • Peak
  • The words peek and peak are homophones. Think about what each word means.
  • Peek means to look quickly or secretly.
  • The peak is the top of a mountain.
  • Complete the sentence with a peek. That homophone makes sense in the sentence.

🎻 Complete the sentence with the correct homophone.

🎻 The new trench will ________the chance that the creek will flood into the street during heavy rains.

  • lesson
  • lessen
  • The words lesson and lessen are homophones. Think about what each word means.
  • lesson is something to be learned or taught.
  • Lessen means to decrease.
  • Complete the sentence with less. That homophone makes sense in the sentence.

🎻 Complete the sentence with the correct homophone.

🎻 You need great ___________to rely on the bus system when the weather is bad since heavy rain can cause long delays.

  • patience
  • patients
  • The words patience and patience are homophones. Think about what each word means.
  • Patience is the ability to wait for something without becoming annoyed or upset.
  • Patients are people who are receiving medical attention.
  • Complete the sentence with patience. That homophone makes sense in the sentence.

Let’s practice!